5 Areas of Your Landscape You Don’t Want to Overlook for Outdoor Lighting in Basehor, KS

Outdoor lighting can completely transform your landscape, taking it from bland to stunning with the flip of a switch or some scheduling on a smartphone app. It can serve the functional purpose of illuminating areas throughout your property and an aesthetic purpose by adding drama and highlighting special features in your landscape. Here are some areas of your landscape that you don’t want to overlook when you have outdoor lighting installed at your home in the Basehor, KS, area.

Planting Beds

Outdoor lighting can be used in various ways in planting beds. If you have beautiful plantings with vibrant and colorful flowers, you may want to have a spotlight on them to show them off during the evenings. In other cases, if the planting bed is located next to the exterior wall of your home, you can use a few different outdoor lighting strategies to add to the overall aesthetic.

For example, if you have a topiary with a unique shape, you can highlight it by having the silhouetting technique applied. This involves having a light installed behind the planting and shining it upward toward the planting. Then it creates a silhouette of the planting, drawing attention to its unique shape.

Another lighting method is called shadowing. This involves having a light installed at the base of the planting and shining it up towards the planting and the exterior wall. The effect is a shadow of the planting on the wall and a brightened up space. This helps add to the beauty of your home in the evenings.

Paver Walkways

Ensuring that your paver walkways are illuminated is essential to help avoid trips and falls, but it’s also an ambiance creator. You want your family and friends to be able to see clearly when they are visiting your property.

The type of outdoor lighting used can vary. For example, you may wish to have decorative outdoor lighting fixtures installed along the paver walkways. These fixtures come in numerous finish options, including copper, brass, black, and nickel. These outdoor lighting fixtures can add character to your outdoor space.

Another method is to have recessed outdoor lighting installed along your paver walkways. This lighting technique helps illuminate the paver walkways, but your lawn mowing crew can mow over them, and they do not impede movement or equipment.

Front Entrance

When guests arrive at your home, you want them to be able to clearly see your house number so they can be confident that they’re at the right place. A brightly lit front entrance will make everyone feel more at ease when navigating your property in the dark evenings. You can have outdoor lighting installed along your paver driveway, by your garage, and by your front door.

Outdoor Living Areas

You can extend the amount of time you can spend outside when you have outdoor lighting installed in your outdoor living areas. Whether this means having outdoor lighting installed in your outdoor kitchen, outdoor dining room, or outdoor living room area is up to you. You’ll likely want to have outdoor lighting installed throughout the entire space to make your backyard more usable at all hours of the day and night.

Water Features

When light reflects off of water, it can create a beautiful scene. Outdoor lighting can be installed near and in water features such as water fountains, waterfalls, or small ponds. This allows everyone to be able to see these gorgeous features and appreciate their beauty at all times.


John T. Hermes, our founder, was a man with a dream and a remarkable blend of business acumen and agricultural passion. After graduating from Oklahoma State University with a degree in Agriculture, he spent a decade in agriculture chemical sales and the military before founding Country Fair Lawns in 1965, which later became Hermes Landscaping. Despite his passing, his vision and passion continue to drive the Hermes team, inspiring them to uphold his legacy and commitment to excellence in the company's endeavors.


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